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更新时间:2025-03-10 20:56:49
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. Suffice it to say for now that my estimated ratio of 26 per cent is not so good either.

1. Suffice it to say that whatever your gaming fetish is, Jackpot Capital Casino will make you very happy.

2. Suffice it to say that he subsequently asserted that no one else had ever gone to such extremes of self-mortification.

3. However let us suffice to say that one must allow that which understands directing a creation, whether it be the creation known as one's body, or the creation known as earth, or a large creation within the Tao, or the creation will go off tract and fail to fulfill upon it's purpose or ascend.

4. Suffice it to say, the answer to that varies.


5. Suffice it to say that the manager is on the whole pleased with his work.


6. Second: I've developed a secret system for dealing with shillers. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but suffice it to say that I hope it will weed out a great number of the shill votes from affecting the feel free to reratings.


7. The tact and skill which suffice to avert a Woman`s sting are unequal to the task of stopping a Woman`s mouth; and as the wife has absolutely nothing to say, and absolutely no constraint of wit, sense, or conscience to prevent her from saying it, not a few cynics have been found to aver that they prefer the danger of the death-dealing but inaudible sting to the safe sonorousness of a Woman`s other end.


8. The tact and skill which suffice to avert a Woman's sting are unequal to the task of stopping a Woman's mouth; and as the wife has absolutely nothing to say, and absolutely no constraint of wit, sense, or conscience to prevent her from saying it, not a few cynics have been found to aver that they prefer the danger of the death-dealing but inaudible sting to the safe sonorousness of a Woman's other end.

9. His questioner perceiving that he was not likely to get a great deal of change out of such a wily old customer, fell to woolgathering on the enormous dimensions of the water about the globe, suffice it to say that, as a casual glance at the map revealed, it covered fully three fourths of it and he fully realised accordingly what it meant to rule the waves.

10. Suffice it to say that the gun was his.

11. Suffice it to say that I love you.

12. Suffice it to say that this will not work.

13. Suffice it to say that you love me.


14. Suffice it to say that you love me is enough, but you never say that.

15. Suffice it to say that...

16. Suffice it to say that the boss is satisfied with your work.


17. Suffice it to say that there are several hundred such stones

18. Suffice it to say that this argument is just sophistry and is extremely unreasonable.

19. Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again

20. Suffice it to say that in this one polyglot city across one hungry week, I ate the whole wide world.

  • 临近词

Suffice it to say that it has no provision for instrumentation and it does not use any sort of object-relational mapping (ORM) framework.(可以肯定地说,它没有提供插装的供应,并且不使用任何种类的对象关系映射(object-relationalmapping,ORm)框架。)
Suffice it to say that architecturally, GT200 is a dog, a fat, bloated dog.(我只想说,建筑,GT200是狗,肥胖,臃肿的狗。)
Suffice it to say that the string formatting is extremely flexible.(可以这样说,字符串格式化极为灵活。)
Suffice it to say that his sudden death left his family hopeless.(一句话,他的突然去世令他的家人失去了希望。)
Suffice it to say that the unusually high boiling point of acetic acid.(只要谈一下醋酸的不寻常的高沸点就行。)
Suffice it to say that each operation should be applied to the target in the way that Makes Sense.(使它满足于说明每个操作应该被通过这种有意义的方式应用到目标就可以了。)
Suffice it to say that with the introduction of the J2EE Web application security architecture, we're reaping the rewards of nearly 10 years of trial and error, and it shows.(可以说随着J2EEWeb应用程序安全体系结构的引入,我们不断从近10年的反复试验有所收获,事实也表明了这一点。)
Suffice it to say that you may add additional listed eggs in there; or better yet, easy_install will do it for you when it runs.(需要说明的是,可以在那里添加额外列出的egg;更好的情况是,easy_install会在运行时实现这种功能。)
Suffice it to say that this will not work.(我只想说,这是行不通的。)
Suffice it to say that if you really need H.264 support in Chrome, and you're running Windows, Microsoft has a H.264 plug-in for you.(如果你确实需要Chrome支持h.264,并且你运行的是Windows,那么可以使用微软的h.264插件。)
suffice it to say that是什么意思 suffice it to say that在线翻译 suffice it to say that什么意思 suffice it to say that的意思 suffice it to say that的翻译 suffice it to say that的解释 suffice it to say that的发音 suffice it to say that的同义词